For this project I was tasked to create a package-like object in which the whole of the package’s items were greater than the sum of its parts.

The package would then be opened by a random peer with no prior knowledge of the project. The concept and content of the package was to be derived from personal areas of interest or characteristics of myself.

I chose to focus on organization and habits as the general concept for my package, also challenging what objects could “be” a package, and what “things” can be packaged.

“Making Sense” is a planner formated and designed in a way that is unique to my mindset when it comes to scheduling and planning. The items of my package are my own methods of thinking and time management, and the package is the tool that can help others try the same method.

I considered everything from the title to the graphic aesthetic when designing the planner. The illustrations, derived from the chosen typeface “Exhibition,” are reminiscent of a tangled string being untangled, a metaphor for the goal of the planner.

The stickers were designed to be used in conjunction with the daily planning pages, measured to fit perfectly in the spaces to designated importance of tasks, or length of time an activity will take.

The planner measures slightly larger than 8.5 in x 11 in, printed on Mohawk Ultrawhite Eggshell 28 lb and Strathmore 2 ply Bristol papers, and was hand-bound with wire-o.
